新着記事 2020年9月15日 10348666 【September】Autumnal Equinox Day The long-awaited September has arrived and we are now free from the hot, humid, sleepless nights. The rice harvest is 【July】The day of the Ox The rainy season, which was expected to last about a month, has ended in a flash. Outside, the cicadas have 【June】The rainy season and how to spend it It is raining outside as I write this article. I think the rainy season has arrived in my city. The 【May】 It is the middle of May and there are days when it is sweaty. The Japanese apricot (I called them 【April】 The cherry blossoms are over and the season is dazzling with fresh greenery. The long-awaited Golden Week is just 【March】 Spring has deepened, and the plum blossoms have fallen and the small plum berries have begun to show their 【February】 January has flown by and it is already February! There is a park which is famous for plum blossom 【2022】Happy New Year! Happy New Year! The number of new COVID-19 infections was on the decline towards the end of last year Any problems dealing with Japan? Please contact us ! My name is Kaz Asai, the proprietor of Pacific Bridge. I understand that some businesses have been negatively impacted 1 2 Next »